
消費者識別和消費者對公司認同之實證研究-以Bhattacharya & Sen之概念性架構為基礎


An Empirical Study on Consumer-Company Identification Relationship-A Submodel Based on Bhattacharya & Sen's Framework


劉力瑛(Li-Ying Liu);張勝雄(Sheng-Hsiung Chang);曾義明(Yi-Ming Tseng)


消費者行為 ; 公司識別 ; 組織認同理論 ; 社會識別理論 ; Consumer Behavior ; Company Identification ; Organizational Identification Theory ; Social Identity Theory




10卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


37 - 63




本研究採用Bhattacharya and Sen(2003)所提出之消費者識別和消費者對公司認同模型之部分架構,以實證方式進行驗證。Bhattacharya and Sen(2003)依據社會識別和組織認同理論指出:穩健的消費者與公司間關係往往決定於消費者對公司的認同,而此認同關係將有助於消費者滿足自我需求。本研究實證結果顯示:(1)識別相似性、識別獨特性、識別聲望與公司識別之吸引力間呈現顯著且正向的關係。換言之,消費者對公司識別之吸引力評價,是依據在消費者對識別的知覺基礎之上。公司識別之吸引力依據在消費者對公司識別與自我感覺的相似程度、獨特性、聲望等三項因素而定;(2)本研究並以識別之可信任性為干擾變項,探討公司識別相似性、獨特性、聲望與公司識別之吸引力間的關係是否會有所不同。結果顯示僅造成識別獨特性與公司識別之吸引力間的影響,由原本顯著而正向的關係,轉變成顯著卻為反向的關係,但卻並未對識別相似性和識別聲望造成影響;(3)公司識別之吸引力與公司認同間呈現顯著且正向的關係;即當公司識別之吸引力愈大時,消費者對公司的認同就愈為強烈。


Based on Bhattacharya and Sen's framework, this study conducts an empirical study based on a submodel derived from the framework. That is, this study empirically examines under what conditions consumers enter into strong relationships with certain companies. Followed by Social Identity Theory and Organizational Identification Theory, the hypotheses are verified that strong consumer-company relationships often result from consumers' identification with those companies.407 questionnaires were distributed to the consumers in Taipei. The result shows that consumers' evaluations of a company's identity attractiveness are based on their perceptions of that identity. In addition, the positive link between consumers' perceptions of a company identity and consumers' reactions is verified. Moreover, the consumer-company identification relationship is found to be significantly positively associated with identity attractiveness. Last, managerial implications are offered: managers must articulate and communicate their identities to consumers in a clear, coherent and a persuasive manner, and companies also must devote significant resources to identification management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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