


Customer Satisfaction: A Literature Review of Empirical Researches at Individual and Organizational Level of Analysis


潘柏維(Po-Wei Pan);葉日武(Ryh-Wu Yeh)


顧客滿意 ; 失驗典範 ; 品質-滿意-忠誠鏈 ; 財務績效 ; Customer Satisfaction ; Disconfirmation Paradigm ; Quality-Satisfaction-Loyalty Chain ; Financial Performance




11卷2期(2015 / 09 / 01)


241 - 269






Customer satisfaction is one of the most important constructs in marketing and buyer behavior. This article provides a concise review of the researches on various issues of customer satisfaction, including the disconfirmation paradigm in the early stage, the generally accepted quality-satisfaction-Ioyalty chain, the causality controversies introduced by some new construets, the potential moderators between satisfaction and its antecedent and consequence, and the research efforts at the organization level of analysis. Also, some emerging or possible research streams are provided for those researchers who are interested in the development and validation of new models. These materials should be helpful for a more completed and in-depth understanding of the possible directions and undeniable legitimacy of customer satisfaction research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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