


An Empirical Study of the Impact of Consumer Self-congruity, Brand Emotional Attachment on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Effect of Celebrity Endorsement


林淑芬(Shu-Feng Lin);許立群(Li-Chun Hsu)


便利商店 ; 自我一致性 ; 品牌情感依附 ; 購買意圖 ; 名人形象代言 ; Convenience Store ; Self-Congruity ; Brand Emotional Attachment ; Purchase Intention ; Celebrity Endorsement




12卷2期(2016 / 09 / 01)


139 - 168






This study adopts attachment theory as the theoretical basis to investigate relationships among consumer self-congruity, brand emotional attachment and purchase intention. Celebrity endorsement is moderator in this study. This study conducted college students to shop in the three most popular convenience stores (7-Eleven, Family, and Hi-life) in Taiwan. This study collected 291 valid samples and used structural equation modeling to validate research hypotheses. The results indicated good fit for the research model and showed that brand actual self has a significant and positive effect on brand emotional attachment. Brand emotional attachment has a significant and positive effect on purchase intention. Celebrity endorsement has a partial moderating effect. Finally, this study provided research implications for researchers and service providers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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