


A Study of the Relationship between Stadium Image Management, Foreign Superstar Idolatry and Fan Loyalty: Evidence from E-Da Rhinos in the Chinese Professional Baseball League


蔡正飛(Philip C. F. Tsai);楊惠娥(Hui-O Yang);陳玉卿(Yu-Ching Chen)


球場印象管理 ; 球迷忠誠度 ; 偶像崇拜 ; 職業棒球大聯盟 ; 義大犀牛 ; Stadium Image Management ; Fan Loyalty ; Idolatry ; Major League Baseball ; E-Da Rhinos




13卷2期(2017 / 09 / 01)


223 - 255






Baseball is a popular sport in Taiwan, but apart from the successes of the first seven years of its Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL), professional baseball in Taiwan has gone through numerous ups and downs in the following years, and resulted in lower fans attendance. In 2012, however, the E-Da Rhinos joined the CPBL, and used a notably different management strategy, including actively improving the management measures of the team through emphasizing discipline, improving marketing practices and by recruiting back some Taiwanese players from American Major League Baseball (MLB). An especially remarkable occurrence in Taiwan professional baseball is the Rhinos' hiring of former MLB star Manny Ramirez. Though short-lived, Ramirez's performance created an enthusiasm in 2013 that was termed by the Taiwanese as "Manny's Whirlwind." The E-Da Rhino's management brought fresh perspectives to Taiwan's CPBL and successfully reignited passion in baseball fans. In order to understand the success of the E-Da Rhino marketing strategy, this study employs a structured marketing theory of store image management and fans' superstar idolatry to empirically examine their influence on fans loyalty. The results show the stadium image management had a significant positive influence on fans loyalty, especially in terms of games, stadium facilities and atmosphere. Furthermore, the fans' foreign superstar idolatry enhanced the relationship of stadium image management and fans loyalty, especially the games. These findings provide contributions to marketing practices and academic research in the sport industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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