


A Study of the Editorial Strategy in Anthology of Fiction of the Late Ming Dynasty


林雅玲(Ya-Ling Lin)


《國色天香》 ; 《繡谷春容》 ; 《萬錦情林》 ; 《燕居筆記》 ; 編輯 ; Guosetianxiang ; Xiuguchunrong ; Wanjingqinglin ; Yanjubiji ; edit




20期(2014 / 07 / 01)


1 - 26






During Wan-li period some anthology of fiction were published. These anthologies, including Guosetianxiang (《國色天香》), Xiuguchunrong (《繡谷春容》), Wanjingqinglin (《萬錦情林》) and three distinct versions of Yanjubiji (《新刻增補全相燕居筆記》、《重刻增補燕居筆記》、《增補批點圖像燕居筆記》), are considerably different from the traditional Chinese novels. Several genres of writings are selected in these anthologies. In the published books, they were divided into two columns. The main column is for romance novels, while the other is for prose, poem and fiction. Why did the bookmakers edit the anthologies in this style? To whom they want to sale, in other words, who were the target readers? Why did readers prefer these anthologies to the traditional Chinese novels? The interaction between editing and reading is a very interesting issue. After studying, we find that prose and poem writings selected were only related to the civil service entrance examinations in Guosetianxiang, the first published anthology among them, because most readers were male examinees. Nevertheless, the editor of Xiuguchunrong selected writings in order to attract more female readers. Later, some of the other works were selected not for the examinations but for the use of daily life in Wanjingqinglin and Yanjubiji. Why did the editorial strategy change? It reflects changes of target readers and their reading preferences. Actually the anthology had two functions at first. Prose and poem were provided for male examinees to pass the examination, while romances and fiction were entertainment to them. Romances could be a way for them to escape from their real lives. That's why the same romance novels were published again and again, attesting their popularity. But there were some newly-rising readers later, mostly middle class, who were not interested in the entrance examinations. Facing the new market, editors cannot but revise the style of anthologies for the with different outlook readers. The editorial strategy turned from emphasizing the function of preparing for examination to the pleasure of reading, from the favorite romances of male examinees to the daily use of common people.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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