


Redemption of the Scholars in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty in "Yuanyang Zhen"


王雪卿(Hsueh-Ching Wang)


清初話本 ; 《鴛鴦鍼》 ; 科舉弊端 ; 儒林小說 ; 明清士人 ; Huaben in early Qing Dynasty ; "Yuanyang Zhen" (《鴛鴦鍼》) ; malpractice of the imperial examination ; "The Scholars" ; Ming and Qing literati




21期(2015 / 01 / 01)


161 - 191






The huaben in Early Qing Dynasty, "Yuanyang Zhen"(《鴛鴦鍼》), is the first novel in "The Scholars"(《儒林外史》)that reveals the malpractices of the imperial examination. It can be said that it is the pioneer of "The Scholars"(《儒林外史》). Different from "The Scholars which shows an attitude of despair, emptiness and desolation toward the imperial examination, the author of this novel is partially judgmental and partially appraisal. He agrees with the advantages of the imperial examination and the reasonability of the existence of it; however, he disagrees with the malpractices of the imperial examination which were gradually formed; that is to say, the greediness of the examiners and the bribery committed by the examinees. He believes that the problem of the country comes from the malpractices in the imperial examinations as no true talents could be hired. Once the malpractices were terminated, the true literati could be redeemed and have real uses by solving the problems of the state. "Yuanyang Zhen" (《鴛鴦鍼》)reflects the points of views of the literati at early Qing Dynasty: they expect that not only can this system be annulled but also restore the spirit of the imperial examination through the reform. Moralistic thinking and religious persuasions are the remedies for the malpractices. Although the novel uses moral persuasion, it still keeps the talent and outstanding storytelling ability with a fantastic narrative structure and impressive character descriptions. "Yuanyang Zhen" (《鴛鴦鍼》)certainly has its artistic feature. It is a good huaben rather than "admonished talking or losing its original spirit". Nor shall it be considered as an "ethical textbook" neither denying its literary values.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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