


The Research of the Imperial Family's Teaching and Studying in the Poetry and Songs in Ming Dynasty


連文萍(Wen-Ping Lien)


皇帝 ; 宗藩 ; 皇族 ; 詩歌 ; 明代 ; emperor ; feudal clan and land holder ; imperial family ; poetry and song ; Ming dynasty




22期(2015 / 07 / 01)


123 - 168






In Ming dynasty, the imperial family's teaching and studying in the poetry and songs, which follow the traditional ways to develop a scholar-bureaucrat, is one important part of the imperial education. The imperial families began to pair poetic belongs and to recite poetry since they were very young. The emperor poetry teaching and studying do not play into a strict enforcement system because of the point of view of "the monarch doctrine is not in writing poetry" and the official poetic writing system to replace writing for the imperial family, so that the poetry teaching and studying lack of urgency in the imperial family. Thus the emperor's personal feeling and interests are most affected on the teaching and studying effectiveness. With auxiliary officials' teaching and studying views, or even with the influences of the eunuch's accompanying, the teaching and studying in the poetry and songs have been complicated and kneaded into many artificial factors and political considerations. For the feudal clans and land holders, the teaching and studying in the poetry and songs have been encouraged by the imperial officials in Ming dynasty. They often study and write poetry by themselves, or get together to talk about the poetic talents and writing skills which are counselled by the official long history writers and virtue recorders, served by mountain men and civilians. They write poems down from generation to generation to shelter away from the disaster, also to search the ways to breakthrough their vassal bans and restrictions as well as to pursuit the immortal possibility of their writing works.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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