


Reinterpretation of Han Dynasty YueFu Poem "Yue-Suo-Se" in the Perspective of Lovelorn Psychological Condition


姜龍翔(Lung-Xiang Chinag)


樂府 ; 詞義分析 ; 雞鳴狗吠 ; 失戀心理學 ; 愛情文學 ; YueFu literature ; Lexical Sense ; Chickens crying and dogs barking ; lovelorn psychology ; love literature




23期(2016 / 01 / 01)


105 - 125






The purpose of this article for reinterpretation of Han Dynasty YueFu poem "Yue-Suo-Se" is to base on the mental characteristic of a lovelorn female to explore by the meaning of word and commence with poetry language text to clarify the meaning of the lyrics. This article considered that people nowadays interpret the meaning that a female was afraid of annoying her elder brother and sister-in-law by getting angry in the midnight and made up her mind to stick to her thoughts after the sun comes up does not meet the meaning of the poem. "Chickens crying and dogs barking" does not indicate the time the sun comes out but to describe the distribution of rumor. Therefore, the purpose of the latter part of "Yue-Suo-Se" is to reflect a female's emotion when closing herself after breaking up and was afraid of telling her families. It was also analyzed in this article that "ChengFong" should symbolize the view of migrant birds' companionship. "DongFonHsuYuKaoChihChih" denotes a female who understands that the hearsay about his boyfriend unfaithfulness would definitely spread out. Hence, the whole poem could be divided into two kinds of emotion. One is to express the anger letting off due to her boyfriend's unfaithfulness and through sabotaging the token of love to ease the emotion. The other is to describe when a female was being betrayed, her confusion toward her families' over concern on it would add burden to her mental stress. According to the conclusion of this article, it shows researchers how to utilize the characteristics of psychology to interpret related poems and expects a more complete annotation.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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