


The Implication about the the Virtual and Actual of Fanhan and Mingqi: A Discussion Focusing on Li Ji "Tan Gong"


陳冠蓉(Kuan-Jung Chen)


《禮記‧檀弓》 ; 飯含 ; 明器 ; 虛 ; 實 ; 潔淨 ; Li Ji"Tan Gong" ; fanhan ; mingqi ; virtual ; actual ; clean




23期(2016 / 01 / 01)


161 - 193






"Fanhan" has antiseptic function, and "mingqi" means funerary objects. Distinguishing between the virtual and actual of fanhan and mingqi appears in Li Ji "Tan Gong". On this issue of "fanhan with rice and shellfish ", discussants always interpreted "the virtual of fanhan" as "mouth empty", advocating it is because of "children cannot bear to have their parent's die and the emptiness without food", so put the rice and shellfish in the mouth until it is full. In addition, according to Zengz (曾子)commented "Songxianggong(宋襄公)buried his wife with one hundredurn of vinegar and sauce ", interpreted "the actual of mingqi" as "infill", considering that put food inside shall confuse sacrificial utensil and mingqi. This paper intends to explore the distinguishing between the virtual and actual of fanhan and mingqi in "Tan Gong", referring to Yi Li(儀禮), deeply investigate the meaning of etiquette.And confirm by literature handed down and unearthed, reinterpreting the virtual and actualof fanhan and mingqi in "Tan Gong". Actually, the"virtual"of fanhan and the "actual"of mingqi, each symbolizes how to treat the dead and living. "Treat the dead 'as if' living"--offerings to the dead attached particular importance to natural beauty and clean, and emphasizes acts of piety and charity as respect. Balance emotion and intellect and restrain the grief, is consistent with moderation. The funeral concept of Qin Confucianists contains humanity and life wisdom. Understanding the ethical spiritual of traditional thoughts, therefore, helps one to understand the working of the clan ethics, and the justification by life cycle. And then reflect on the application and values of traditional etiquette culture in modern society.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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