


Analysis and Critique of Prefaces and Postscripts in newly created Ci Collection of Ming and Ching dynasty




明清 ; 譜體詞選(詞譜) ; 序跋 ; Ming and Ching dynasties ; newly created Ci collection in the Ming and Ching dynasties ; preface and postscript




25期(2017 / 01 / 01)


109 - 158






When the Ci composing started, every tonal pattern had its own format. Wording and rhymes match with beats to be sang. Affection of Ci-poets was shown by the soft, heavy, slow and fast rhythm. There were researchers who paid attention to rhymes and rhythms in the Song dynasty like Chuo-Wang, Yan-Chang and YiFu-Sheng. Their opinions were intelligent comments. Ci in the Tang and Song dynasties could still be sang, but its rhythm was lost in the Ming dynasty. Ci-poets in the Ming dynasty were always confused when they tried to compose Ci, especially when they saw Ci that were of the same name but with different rhythms, different name but with the same rhythms, or name of Ci being changed. Therefore they started to think of composing new Ci rhythms. Ci-poets in the Ching dynasty were even more passionate in composing new Ci rhythms, they selected famous pieces of Ci, then set tonal patterns based on music, and chose Ci in the Tang and Song dynasty as paradigm. I collected prefaces and postscripts of newly created Ci collection of the Ming and Ching dynasties. After that I studied its characteristic, chose specific viewpoint of Ci to understand the change in the newly created Ci of the Ming and Ching dynasties.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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