


Chun Qiu's Straight Words toward Huaxia's Demise and the History Viewpoint Zuo Zhuan Refers: Use the straight Words towards Countries of Huaxia Demise Each Other and Di and Wu demise Huaxia as Example


張高評(Chang, Kao-Ping)


《春秋》書法 ; 直書 ; 華夏相滅 ; 狄吳滅華 ; 資鑑 ; Chun Qiu Writing Method ; Straight words ; Countries of Huaxia Demise Each Other ; Barbarians Demise Huaxia ; Reference




29期(2019 / 01 / 01)


1 - 55






Chun Qiu's words toward demise means that a country had been destroyed and the nationality had been sonless. The conduct of demise can only be done by one without kindheartedness and justice, or he wouldn’t be hardhearted enough to do it. Therefore, no matter it was Huaxia that demised the country in Huaxia or that it was Barbarians, Chun Qiu mostly use straight words according to the incidents without conceal and avoidance. Confucius denounce them and that their sin would be impregnable. Zuo Zhuan elucidated the words and meanings in Chun Qiu through narating the history, namely, word connection and event arrangement, to form the narration method of detailed and abbreviated, emphasized and unstressed, different and same, circular and straight, obvious and obscure, unique and normal, and separated and combined to either enhance and glorify the aim of Chun Qiu or to replenish what Chun Qiu didn't mention about. While Chun Qiu use straight words to describe the demise of Huaxia, Zuo Zhuan usually narrated in a discussion form which it pointed out the sin that dukes' kingdom demised, especially the reason it succeed or faied, flourished or declined, or existed or demised, which can allow others to learn to carry on the country or to refer as reference. The paper will discuss five incidents of countries of Huaxia demised each other, we will see how powerful countries neglected the affection between them and other countries but only focusing on mergering them. Then, this paper will discuss five incidents of Di and Wu demised Huaxia and one incident of Huaxia demised Barbarians. These incedents all falls to powerful countries bully weak countries through exuses only wanting their lands. Zuo Zhuan explains the classics through history. When describing the two aspect of demising others and being demised, it often show both appraise and criticize. It emphasizes small objects and gradual and accumulation to make the method of dealing with things and managing stand out, which brought out history viewpoint that Zuo Zhuan referred to.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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