


The Usage of the Two Numerals 'Er' and 'Liang' in Chinese Translated Buddhist Scripture from the Latter Han to the Three Kingdoms


李柏翰(Li, Bo-han)


漢譯佛經 ; 數詞 ; 二與兩 ; 兩與雙 ; Chinese translated Buddhist scripture ; Numeral ; 'Er'(二) and 'Liang'(兩) ; 'Liang'(兩) and 'Shuang'(雙)




31期(2020 / 04 / 01)


131 - 165






This paper studies on the usage of the four numerals 'Er', 'Liang', 'Shuang' and 'zai' in Chinese translated Buddhist scripture from the Latter Han to the Three Kingdoms. Its purpose is to sort out the usage of the four numerals, hoping to provide a whole understanding of mixed development. From the era of the corpus to judge, four numerals of the Latter Han Chinese translated Buddhist scripture is just mixed with the period when is used. In terms of numeral of distinguishing feature, the author tries to explain the mixed argument about the two numerals 'Er' and 'Liang'. The first section summarizes the conclusions of previous studies of ancient Numerals, and summarizes reference corpus and distinguishing characteristic about these studies. The next section discusses the mixed argument of numerals, and points out that the discretion of the doubt. The third section based on characteristics of ancient numerals, examines the corpus of usage in Chinese translated Buddhist scripture from the Latter Han to the Three Kingdoms. The final section indicates, through observation of distinguishing feature of the ancient Numerals and diachronic development of Chinese translated Buddhist scripture, the author concludes that the usage of the two numerals 'Er' and 'Liang' in Chinese translated Buddhist scripture from the Latter Han to the Three Kingdoms.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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