


The Way of Sounds:On Sin Kyong-jun's Hunmin chongum unhae and Its Phonological Thought


王松木(Wang, Song-Mu)


訓民正音 ; 申景濬 ; 韻解 ; 音韻思想史 ; 文化記憶 ; Hunminjeongeum yehae ; Sin Kyong-jun ; Hunmin chongum unhae ; history of phonological philosophy ; cultural memory




33期(2021 / 03 / 01)


93 - 154




申景濬(1712-1781)《韻解訓民正音》一書,是繼鄭麟趾(1396-1478)等《訓民正音.解例》(1446)、崔錫鼎(1646-1715)《經世訓民正音圖說》(1678)之後,另一部以闡釋諺文設計蘊奧為宗旨之音韻學論著。本文以申景濬《韻解》為研究對象 ,跳脫「語音史」框架,改從「音韻思想史」的角度切入,將《韻解》放在更寬廣的學術背景與歷史脈絡――東亞文明圈中觀察,試著思索以下問題:申景濬編撰《韻解》的動機與目的何在?如何將等韻學、性理學與訓民正音相整合?如何以圖解方式闡釋訓民正音的設計意涵?如何設計兼容韓、漢語音的韻圖?希望藉由探索上述問題,達到以下目的:就微觀層面而言,探究申景濬如何以等韻學、性理學詮解諺文之設計理據;如何編排韻圖,以建構出心中的理想化音系;就宏觀層面而言,放眼十八世紀中韓之間的音韻學交流,觀察中國等韻學如何被朝鮮學者理解與改造。


Sin Kyong-jun's (1712-1781) Hunmin chongum unhae (The Rhymes and Explanations of the Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People) is the prominent phonological work of explaining the essence of the Hangul, after Jeong In-ji's (1396-1478) Hunminjeongeum yehae (The Examples of the Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People, 1446) and Choi Seok-jeong's (1646-1715) Kyongse hunmin chongum tosol (Illustration of the Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People, 1678). Thus the paper aims to explore Sin's Hunmin chongum unhae by focusing on the perspective of the "history of phonological philosophy," beyond the framework of "history of phonology." Then, the researcher approaches the Hunmin chongum unhae within wider academic and historical threads of East Asia with the inquiries that follow: What are the motivation and purpose of Sin's annotation of Hunmin chongum unhae? How do we coordinate deng-yun xue, xing-li xue, and the Hunminjeongeum among them? How can we illustrate the design signification via table explanation? How can we design a rhyme table that contains both Korean phonology and Chinese phonology? With the above questions, the paper attempts to achieve the goals below: from the micro perspective, the researcher explores how Sin interprets the design basis of the Hangul based on deng-yun xue and xing-li xue? How Sin edits the rhyme table to construct his ideal system of sounds. From the macro perspective, the researcher observes how the Chinese deng-yun xue was understood and reformed by the Korean scholars with the focus of phonological exchange between China and Korea in the eighteenth century.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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