


Creating a Humorous Writing Style: An Analysis of Parody and Its Rhetorical Function in Flowers in the Mirror


王松木(Wang, Song-Mu)


仿擬 ; 鏡花緣 ; 李汝珍 ; 廣義修辭學 ; 認知語言學 ; parody ; Flowers in the Mirror (Jinghua Yuan) ; Li Ruzhen ; General Rhetoric ; cognitive linguistics




38期(2023 / 11 / 01)


1 - 34






Flowers in the Mirror (Jinghua Yuan) is a prime example of the Caixue Novel, a genre of romance fiction from the Qing dynasty. The book is marked by its curiosity and originality, showcasing the author's wit and knowledge. Through the use of rhetorical devices, author Li Ruzhen playfully transforms natural colloquialism into imaginative and humorous expressions. As a result, readers not only appreciate the novel's content but also enjoy a fun reading experience. To explore the author's creative writing and the humor in Flowers in the Mirror, this study employs a general rhetorical perspective, focusing on parody as a key feature of the novel. The study argues that parody is not only a rhetorical technique but also a cognitive interaction or conceptualization between the author and the reader. It analyzes Flowers in the Mirror as a rhetorical genre parody, complete with its own form, function, and purpose. Additionally, the study applies cognitive linguistics theory and methods to examine how parody is constructed and understood, revealing its inner logic and humorous style.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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