


Life Satisfactory and Successful Aging Factors among Elders




李百麟(P. L. Lee)


高齡者 ; 老人 ; 成功老化 ; 生活滿意度 ; 健康 ; 區別分析 ; Senior citizens ; elders ; successful aging ; life satisfactory ; health ; discriminative analysis




6卷2期(2009 / 09 / 01)


25 - 38






Individuals face various developmental crisis stages. Erikson identified the last stage in eight human developmental ones is integrity vs. despair. Those elders look back on their lives with happiness and are content, feeling fulfilled with a deep sense that life has meaning, a feeling Erikson calls integrity. Or, they might feel despair at their experiences and perceived failures. Base on the Taiwan Social Change Survey in 2005, a longitudinal study since 1990 from Academia Sinica, the researcher analyses 246 elders data age over 65 by examining the relationship between life satisfactory and various factors of successful aging. The results showed a, life satisfactory is positively correlated with various factors of successful aging; b, economic satisfactory is the best predictor of life satisfactory among the total five ones; c, gender, three age levels, and three life satisfactory levels are significantly differences in the mean scores of various successful aging factors; and d, the predictive ability of the successful aging model in the study is above chance, based on discriminative analysis. The leisure-activity factor included in the successful aging model was also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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