The way of spiritual assessment mainly results from the individuals who feel the pressure due to the specific event are caused by the adaptation process, while engaged in spiritual activities related to self-relaxation behavior. This meaning which is given by the pressured event potentially increases the personal, physical and mental well-being of the state. This argument tells us: spirituality driven by spiritual awakening, arousing individuals constantly reflect on their own self-examination to explore the spirituality of the individual, finding out the individual intrinsic value in reaching the realm of spiritual health.Hereby, this study combined qualitative (event description of the story) and quantitative research to verify this spiritual health of elementary schools teachers connotation and found out the evaluation criteria in this meaning. Then, the researcher checked up this meaning, and then consulted the opinions of experts who were involved in this depressed event. Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) was conducted to simplify the complicated problem evaluation system into precise factor level system. The top seven dominating these practices related to spiritual healthy promotion were offered to the elementary educational institutions reference.
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