


Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress: An Empirical Study for Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation Station Staff




王穎駿(Y. C. Wang);周萍芬(P. F. Chou);黃心品(H. P. Huang)


台灣高速鐵路 ; 站務員 ; 情緒智力 ; 工作壓力 ; Taiwan High Speed Rail ; Station Staff ; Emotional intelligence ; Job Stress




11卷2期(2014 / 09 / 01)


47 - 68






The study used statistical methods and the linear structure equation model to inspect the current status of Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation station staff. Important aspects of the staff's status included job stress and emotional management differences, and the interplay between the two. The mode is extracted four dimensions from emotional intelligence and twelve dimensions from job stress. Via independent sample test, the matrimony affects guest factors and other work-related stress. By one-way ANOVA, age affects the work itself, guest factors and other work-related stress; education affects the work itself, other work-related stress and emotional intelligence; job seniority and hire mode affect the work itself, guest factors, other work-related stress and emotional intelligence. In the structural equation, emotional intelligence positively affects job stress. The results of this study can be beneficial for the researches related to the Taiwan High Speed Rail, and can also be applied to human resource management as reference in academic and practical field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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