


Research on the Safety and Protection of Power Critical Infrastructure




蔡裕明(T. Y. Ming)


恐怖攻擊 ; 關鍵基礎設施 ; 電力系統 ; 輸配電系統 ; 相依性與互賴性 ; Terrorist Attack ; Critical Infrastructure ; Power System ; Transmission and Distribution system ; Dependence and Interdependence




20卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


59 - 72






In modern industrialized and commercialized countries, energy is the infrastructure for national economic and social development. Without a stable and continuous energy supply, the country's governance and law enforcement systems, medical care and social welfare will be threatened, and the country's economic development and social survival will not function properly. Today, when global terrorism is still rampant, it is possible for terrorists to attack the critical infrastructure of electricity and destroy the livelihood of the country. This article believes that the power supply infrastructure may be impacted by the increasingly frequent occurrence of extreme weather and giant disasters, and countermeasures should be planned ahead of time. In the face of a huge complex disaster or terrorist attack that our country may face, the stability of power supply will become the focus of future research into the protection of critical infrastructure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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