


Parent-Child Communication on Heterosexual Relationship and Marital Attitudes in College Students




林儒君(Ru-Chen Lin)


婚姻態度 ; 異性交往之親子溝通 ; marital attitudes ; parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship




2卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


451 - 472






The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship and marital attitudes of college students, which was tried to understand how college students indicated their parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship and marital attitudes. Additionally, it analyzed the differences between parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship and marital attitudes in demographics, and explored the relationship between parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship and marital attitudes. Purposeful sampling was employed in this study. Three hundred and ninety seven college students in Tainan areas, whose were also validate samples, participated in this study. Three instruments included ”Demographics”, ”Parent-Child Communication on Heterosexual Relationship Survey” and ”Marriage Attitude Survey”. Six findings were addressed as follows: (1) College students indicated that they seldom interacted and communicated with their parents on heterosexual relationship. In addition, their marital attitude approaches demonstrated positively. (2) College students with different gender and family structures indicated significant differences in parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship. (3) College students with different gender indicated significant differences in ”marriage values”, ”marriage hopes” and ”marriage necessity”. (4) College students with different family structures indicated significant differences in ”marriage values”, ”marriage hopes” and ”marriage necessity”. (5) Overall, it indicated significant differences and positive correlations between marital attitudes and parent-child communication on heterosexual relationship. (6) ”Children notification” could be explained in all the measurement of marital attitudes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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