


Household Consumer Knowledge and Consumer Decision-Making of Tomato Juice in Tainan City




朱惠英(Hui-Ying Chu)


消費者決策 ; 消費者知識 ; 蕃茄汁 ; Consumer Decision-making ; Consumer Knowledge ; Tomato Juice




2卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


199 - 227




本研究旨在探討台南市家計單位之蕃茄汁消費者知識及消費者決策概況,以問卷調查方式在台南市六個行政區進行訪查,共取得有效問卷424份。研究結果發現,台南市家計單位之蕃茄汁消費者知識程度屬中等略偏負向,其中表現最佳的爲「蕃茄汁之商品資訊」,表現最差的爲「蕃茄汁商品使用及保存」,影響消費者知識程度的因素有:性別、教育程度、職業、家庭平均月收入等四項。在消費者決策部份,有七成一的消費者曾購買過蕃茄汁,二成九的受試者則無購買經驗。對於購買者而言,人口統計變項及蕃茄汁消費者知識程度與消費者決策過程的不同階段有不同程度的相依關係。在羅吉斯迴歸(Logistic Regression)配適模式的分析下發現,蕃茄汁消費者知識程度、年齡及家庭平均月收入對「購買經驗」具有顯著的影響力,人口統計變項中屬於「高年齡」或「高收入」或者「蕃茄汁消費者知識程度」愈高的受試者,曾經購買過蕃茄汁的可能性亦愈高。


The objective of this study is to examine the general situation of the household consumer knowledge and decision-making of tomato juice in Tainan City. A survey was conducted in 6 districts of the city, and a total of 424 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this study show the household consumer knowledge of tomato juice is at the intermediate and slightly negative level. The consumers have the best knowledge about ”the product information on tomato juice” and the least knowledge about ”the usage and preservation of tomato juice”. The four factors that affect consumer knowledge are: the gender, education level, occupation and average monthly family income. In regards to consumer decision-making, 71% of the subjects have ever purchased tomato juice and 29% have not. As far as the consumer is concerned, the population statistic variables and consumer knowledge of tomato juice have different dependencies on different stages of consumer decision-making. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicate the consumer knowledge of tomato juice, age and average monthly family income have significant effects on ”the purchasing experience”. The subjects with higher age, income or more knowledge about tomato juice are more likely to have purchased tomato juice.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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