


The Impacts of Culture on Service Encounters-From the Perspectives of Customers and Service Providers of Hakka Restaurants in Meinong Town




蘇家愷(Chia-Kai Su);陳華穗(Hua-Sui Chen)


客家餐廳 ; 服務接觸 ; 關鍵事件技術 ; 文化影響




4卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


333 - 354




本研究應用關鍵事件技術(Critical Incident Technique, CIT),從顧客與服務提供者的觀點探討在美濃地區客家餐廳之服務接觸之滿意和不滿意的關鍵事件,以Bitner, Booms, and Tetreault(1990)與賴其勛,游志青,和楊靜芳(2005)所發展出的分類原則進行分類歸納,以了解在服務傳遞過程中顧客感到滿意與不滿意的關鍵事件,並確認在服務接觸過程的滿意及不滿意關鍵事件中文化扮演的角色。在顧客及服務提供者的觀點中,不滿意事件都以「服務人員對服務傳遞系統疏失的回應」所佔比例爲最高;但是顧客及服務提供者在滿意事件中,意見並不一致,顧客認爲客家餐廳的場所佈置及氛圍,有身歷其境的感覺,這點服務提供者也認同客家氛圍確實讓顧客得到了難忘的體驗。服務提供者對於「客家菜的品質」表達了高度的自信,而顧客卻常常要求服務提供者少油少鹽,顧客的不滿意也反應出客家菜的口味須爲符合顧客需求而調整,此將是未來傳遞客家飲食文化的過程中將要面臨的重大考驗。


This study adopted ”Critical incident technique (CIT)” to examine customers' satisfaction and dissatisfaction in service encounters in Hakka restaurants in Meinong. Data were collected from customers and service providers. The study also examined culture impacts on the quality of service encounters. As for the data analyses, finding on failures were categorized into four categories based on Bitner, Booms, and Tetreault's (1990) and Lai, Yu, and Yang's (2005) works. Physical surroundings which belong to nonhuman elements were also an important factor of affecting the customers' satisfaction. The most frequently described failure also involved service delivery from both the viewpoints of customers and service providers. The decoration of the public space of the surveyed establishments, in tune with the Hakka style, provided the appropriate ambience for a ”total restaurant experience”, enhancing the customers' sense of Hakka culture. Moreover, the findings revealed that the taste of Hakka dishes shall be adapted according customers' needs of low-fat and minimum-salt diets.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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