


Motivation and Key Success Factors for Innovation in the Travel Agencies




曹勝雄(Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur);許福松(Fu-Sung Hsu)


動機 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; 創新 ; 旅行業 ; Motivation ; Key success factors ; innovation ; travel agencies




5卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


115 - 137




旅行業的產品與服務無法受到專利權保障,容易受到其他業者的複製或模仿,再加上消費者需求與偏好容易改變,爲了因應消費者的需求,旅行業面臨了經營模式創新的衝擊與壓力。本研究依據Ottenbacher and Gnoth (2005)所提出的創新構面作爲區分標準,利用因素分析來確立旅行業導入創新之動機與關鍵成功因素。研究結果顯示,在導入創新之動機方面,經理人認爲動機因素分別爲「建立企業品牌」、「提升企業聲譽」、「增加企業營收」、「降低營運成本」與「提升顧客滿意度」。在導入創新之關鍵成功因素方面,本研究與Ottenbacher and Gnoth (2005)研究一致,皆同意「傳遞服務之一致性與競爭優勢」、「有形的產品/服務品質」、「員工支持與顧客認同」、「創新的員工訓練」、「創新發展前的準備與規劃」、「顧客問題解決與關係提升」、「合宜的授權」、「協力合作」、「人力資源的獨特性」、「行銷綜效」與「目標市場的選擇」等十一項爲關鍵成功因素。此外,研究新發現五項關鍵成功因素分別爲「產品相艮務符合消費者需求」、「創新技術的能力」、「有效益的行銷溝通」、「資源投入與充分溝通」與「市場之競爭性」。最後,本研究進一步提出旅遊業管理者之管理實務建議。


The product and service of travel agency in Taiwan cannot be protected by patent laws so they are easily counterfeited or imitated by other travel agency companies. Moreover, customers' demands and preference are constantly changing. Under such situations to search for ways to meet customers' demand, travel agency faces tremendous conflicts and stress from the prospect of management strategies. In terms of key success factors in initial innovation, this research is undertaken based on Ottenbacher and Gnoth (2005)'s study. The researcher uses factor analysis to find out the motivation & key success factors for innovation in travel agencies. The result indicates that, in terms of the motivation for innovation that managers identify, it is divided into entrepreneurial brand building, entrepreneurial awareness promotion, entrepreneurial income increase, operation cost reduction, and customer satisfaction promotion respectively. With regard to the key success factors in innovation, our finding accords with Ottenbacher and Gnoth (2005), who agreed consistency of service delivery and competitive advantage, tangible product/service quality, employee support and customer identification, employee training for innovation, pre-preparation and pre-plan for innovative development, resolution of customer problem and promotion of relationship with customers, proper empowerment, cooperation, uniqueness of human resource management, marketing synergy and selection of target markets. Furthermore, in this research, five new key success factors are found out: product/service meeting customer needs, ability to innovate technology, marketing synergy, resource investment and adequate communication, and market competitiveness. At last, the researcher further proposes suggestions of practical management for managers in travel agencies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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