In this study we explore the relationship between empowerment (including authority, information, technical knowledge, and reward) and employee attitude (including organizational commitments, and work satisfaction), and also the moderating effect of job values on employee attitude. By using an effective and trustworthy data chart and surveys we were able to collect information samples from restaurant works of Taipei, Taiwan. Using canonical correlation results we found that organization commitment was influenced by authority and reward dimension of empowerment, whereas the information and technology dimensions influenced job satisfactory. Additionally, when adjusting the results it was found that employee empowerment and organizational commitment had a higher level of influence when the employee work values were personal progress oriented, personal accomplishment oriented, or dignity oriented; Employee empowerment and work satisfaction had a higher level of influence when employee work values were social interactive oriented, organizational safety and economical oriented, stable and non-anxious oriented, or healthy leisure and transportation oriented. Managers can optimize their investment in these employee empowerment methods to improve their work attitudes. Finally, the results show a new structural framework that can show offer meaningful suggestions into the relationship of work empowerment, attitude, and values.
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