


A Study on the Relationship between Generation Y's Personality Traits and Career Orientation-Taking International Tourist Hotels in Taipei as Examples




劉翠華(Chui-Hua Liu);李淑敏(Shu-Min Li);李銘輝(Ming-Huei Lee);劉俊億(Chun-I Liu)


Y世代 ; 國際觀光旅館 ; 人格特質 ; 職涯傾向 ; Generation Y ; international tourist hotel ; personality traits ; career orientations




7卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


1 - 24




本研究旨在探討Y世代飯店從業人員人格特質與職涯傾向之關係。研究方法以問卷調查法,針對台北地區國際觀光旅館1980年(含)之後出生從業人員進行問卷調查,計有效問卷273份,應用SPSS v13.0統計軟體進行資料分析,結果顯示不同個人屬性於職涯傾向各構面,存有顯著差異;人格特質與職涯傾向達部份顯著正相關;人格特質對職涯傾向具有顯著之影響關係。研究主要發現:大部分Y世代為努力負責的內控性格者;無論為內、外控人格特質者皆以挑戰任務、重視組織任職制度、積極晉升及創業為優先考量,打破「草莓族」印象。研究成果可做為相關產業人力資源管理策略之參考。


This study aims to discuss the relationship between Generation Y hotel workers' personality traits and their career orientation. Based on the survey-questionnaire method, this study targeted the international tourist hotel workers born after 1980 and received 273 valid samples. After conducting data analysis through SPSS v13.0, the result shows that the personal attributes significantly varied with each perspective regarding career orientation. The personality trait is partially positively related to career orientation. Further, the personality trait has a significant impact on career orientation. The major finding of this research shows that most of Generation Y is characterized by hardworking and responsible internal personalities. Regardless of the internal or external personalities, Generation Y are all primarily concerned about challenging tasks, valuing the organizational employment system, aggressively getting promoted and starting an enterprise. This is completely different from their ”strawberry generation” image. The research results can be taken by related industries as a reference for human resources management strategy.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
生物農學 > 農產加工
社會科學 > 管理學
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