Because Taiwan is a small and densely populated island, people generally prefer to ride motorcycles or scooters as a convenient alternative means of transportation to larger motor vehicles. There are almost 14 million motorcycles and scooters in Taiwan, 1.7 times the number of cars. Although many advanced driver-assistance systems are available on the local car market, few are provided on the motorcycle market. This paper proposes the design of a blind-spot detection system for motorcycles to accurately detect an object or obstacle in a rider's blind spot and to warn him or her. This system design is implemented using a laser range sensor, a Bluetooth module, and an Arduino microcontroller board. The sensor is used to detect moving objects, an Android app notifies the rider of how far away the object is, and a Bluetooth headset in the rider's helmet sounds an alarm to warn him or her. The monophonic alarm sound highlights the locations of moving objects in the blind-spot area. This system design can be used for both motorcycles and scooters to ensure safety economically.
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