


Leisure Activity Participation and Happiness among the Retired Elderly in Kaohsiung




李維靈(Wei-Ling Lee);施建彬(Jian-Bin Shih);邱翔蘭(Shiang-Lan Chiou)


退休老人 ; 人格特質 ; 休閒參與 ; 休閒滿意度 ; 幸福感 ; retired elderly ; personality traits ; leisure activity participation ; leisure satisfaction ; happiness




3卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


27 - 35




退休事件的發生對老人在生活適應、心理調適與社會關係上均產生極大的影響。因此,本研究以高雄市退休老人為對象,主要探究其休閒活動參與及幸福感間之關係,並加入人格特質與休閒滿意度等變項,期更進一步了解休閒活動參與對幸福感之預測力。 本研究以家戶問卷調查的方式,共得有效問卷378份。分析方法包括:描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析及多元階層迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:1.退休老人的休閒活動以「消遣型」及「社交型」的活動居多。 2. 「外向人格」與休閒活動參與、休閒滿意度及幸福感三者間均呈顯著正相關;「神經質人格」僅與幸福感達顯著負相關。 3.在控制人格變項及主觀健康狀況兩個重要影響老人幸福感的因子後,「消遣型」及「社交型」活動的參與仍可有效預測幸福感。 文末對研究結果進行綜合討論,提出對退休老人、政府相關單位與未來研究等三方面的建議。


Issues concerning the elderly have become increasingly important in the contemporary aging society. The retirement event causes great impacts in life adjustment, adaptation and social relationships among the elderly. This study aimed to investigate the relationships among personality traits, leisure activity participation, leisure satisfaction and happiness in the retired elderly population of Kaohsiung. The data was collected from questionnaires completed by 378 effective respondents. The analytical methods included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that 1. The two principal types of leisure activities are the ”past-time” and the ”social” types. 2. Extraversion reveals significant positive correlation in leisure activity participation, leisure satisfaction, and happiness; whereas, neuroticism reveals significant negative correlation only in happiness. 3. After controlling crucial factors of happiness, such as personality and health status, the ”amusemen” and the ”social” types of activities can still validly predict happiness. Discussions and suggestions are provided for practical and theoretical implications.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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