


Sensory Writing for Depicting a Solution to the Natural Human Desire for Openness: Elaborations on the Texts of Chu Tien-Wen's Century's End Magnificence and Patrick Suskind's Das Perfume




柯品文(Pin-Wen Ke)


朱天文世紀末的華麗 ; 徐四金香水 ; 官能書寫 ; 欲望 ; Chu Tien-wen's Century's end magnificence ; Patrick Suskind's Das Perfume ; Sense organ writing ; human nature desire




5卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


25 - 36




德國徐四金(Patrick Suskind)於1985年出版的小說《香水》,而1992年台灣女性作家朱天文出版了《世紀末的華麗》一書中同名之小說〈世紀末的華麗〉,兩本書前後出版不過僅相差七年,卻相同的掌握以感官做爲創作主題並進行書寫。 《香水》將其時代背景拉回18世紀歐洲浪漫主義時期,並透過小說主角葛奴乙進行對那時代下法國巴黎這座城市與居民生活的刻劃,從氣味的補捉到對少女體香的香水提煉,並從中探討人性中欲望的各種可能。 朱天文〈世紀末的華麗〉則直接切入作者本身當時所身處的80年代世紀末的後現代台灣進行觀察,透過主角米亞這位女性模特兒的生涯,寫出對嗅覺、顏色、物質、情感、肉體崇拜等諸多面向的思考,進而書寫台北這城市裡人我的疏離,和因追求流行文化過程中所不斷顯現出人生無常的滄桑與無助的荒涼,將世紀末台北的生活景觀表露無遺。 本文透過比較朱天文〈世紀末的華麗〉和徐四金《香水》兩篇文本,研究官能書寫如何試圖進行中西不同城市與文化差異下「欲望」的建構與拆解。


In this research, both Das Perfume, a novel published in 1985 by the classic German writer Patrick Suskind, and Century's end magnificence, a short story by the Taiwanese feminine writer Chu Tien-Wen, contained in an anthology bearing the same name and published locally in 1992, are examined for elaboration. Only seven years separate the publication of these two books, both of which use sensory writing as the literary technique for thematic development. Patrick Suskind's Das Perfume gets its background inspiration from 18(superscript th)-century European romanticism. In this penetrating novel, the protagonist Grenouille (the French word for ”frog”) is distinguished by the fact that he himself has no odor but does possess a very keen olfactory sense. Grenouille, a rejected Parisian orphan, moves around in various regions of France. After serving as a subject for an amateur scientist's experimentation with a so-called ”lethal gas” and deceptively gaining access to the laboratory of a famous perfumer, Grenouille begins to compensate for his deficiency by becoming a serial killer to collect scents from various beautiful young women. Chu Tien-Wen's Century's end magnificence brings sensory writing to late-20(superscript th)-century Taipei. This writer ponders the olfactory sense, the colors, the matter, the emotions, and worship of the human body with many faces from the perspective of pop culture. Modern Taiwanese life is depicted as a bleak living landscape where nothing remains. The aim of this article is to make a penetrating comparison between the sensory writing in Chu Tien-Wen's Century's end magnificence and Patrick Suskind's Das Perfume, with attention to cultural differences between the East and the West regarding the natural human desire for openness.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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