


The Relationship between the Source Credibility of Animated Endorsers and Advertising Effectiveness and the Moderating Effect of Age Thereon




陳姿蓉(Tuz-Rong Chen)


自創卡漫廣告代言人 ; 訊息可信度 ; 廣告代言人 ; 廣告效果 ; creative animated endorsers ; age ; advertising effectiveness




5卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


83 - 88




本研究旨在探討自創卡漫廣告代言人傳遞訊息可信度與廣告效果兩者間之關係,並以年齡作爲干擾變數,檢測在不同的年齡下,消費者對自創卡漫廣告代言人訊息可信度的廣告效果是否有顯著差異存在。研究共發500份問卷,回收345份問卷,有效問卷爲260份問卷。有效問卷之回收比率爲52%。 研究結果顯示,自創卡漫廣告代言人所傳遞的訊息可信度具有顯著的廣告效果;而年齡層越高者(41歲以上),卡漫廣告代言人之訊息可信度與廣告效果的關係越顯著;而屬新生代年齡層者(20歲以下),卡漫廣告代言人之訊息可信度與廣告效果的關係次之,而屬中生代年齡層者(21-40歲),其卡漫廣告代言人訊息可信度與廣告效果的關係更次之。


In this research, both the source credibility of creative animated endorsers and advertising effectiveness were explored, the purpose being to verify the relationship between these two variables. The main hypothesis stated that creative animated endorsers influence advertising effectiveness and this relationship is moderated by age. The data were collected from 260 Taiwanese consumers. The results indicated a positive relationship between the two variables. Source credibility, attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise were all in positive relationship. Moreover, with regard to age, advertising effectiveness is higher among both younger and older consumers but lower among the middle-aged.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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