


A Case Study of an Instructional Model for Project-based Digital Game Production




簡幸如(Shin-Ru Chien);劉旨峰(Zhi-Feng Liu)


數位遊戲 ; 教學模式 ; 漸進式專題導向學習 ; digital game ; instructional model ; progressive project-based learning




5卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


113 - 130




21世紀是數位遊戲學習的時代,隨著網路科技與多媒體的發展與進步,數位遊戲扮演的不再只是娛樂的功能,在許多研究中證實數位遊戲有許多益處,因此也逐漸受到教育界的重視。過去有關數位遊戲的教學研究,大多是將設計好的遊戲成品對學生進行教學實驗,鮮少從教學設計的角度出發探討如何引領學生學習製作數位遊戲。數位遊戲的設計本身即爲一個複雜的專題製作歷程,需要同儕合作學習共同完成。本研究建構交替式同儕教導與漸進式專題導向學習策略,來進行數位遊戲製作之課程設計,進行教學實驗研究。本教學實驗在某國立大學「電腦輔助教學之設計」課程進行,研究時間爲期四個月,實驗對象爲修習教育學程的大學生與研究生共20名,遊戲製作工具爲Game Maker遊戲製作軟體。教學歷程中收集量化及質化研究資料,量化資料包括:學習動機量表、遊戲製作心流量表、Game Maker學習自我效能量表;質化資料包括:研究者觀察記錄、教學訪談、數位遊戲專題製作學習歷程檔案等。實驗結束後將資料進行分析與討論,藉由分析結果驗證本研究教學模式之成效,並供未來數位遊戲教學與課程發展研究之參考。


Digital game-based learning has entered the educational mainstream in the 21st Century. With the development and progress of network technologies and multi-media, much research has shown that digital games not only provide entertainment but also have many educational benefits. Therefore, an increasing number of educators are directing attention to digital games and have concluded that such games have great influences on learning. In the previous research on digital games in education, the majority of experiments have emphasized the effects of designed games on learners, but few studies have focused on game-instruction design. Digital-game design is itself a complicated project-based learning process; therefore, peers need to collaborate. To guide our students into learning-game design, we adopted alternative peer tutoring (APT) and progressive project-based learning (PPBL) strategies in a four-month game-designed Computer-Assisted Learning course. The subjects were 20 undergraduate and masters’ students studying in the Center for Teacher Education (National Central University). The ”Game Maker” designing tool was used in this study, for which both quantitative and qualitative data on learning processes were collected. The quantitative data included responses obtained from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), ”Game maker's” learning self-efficacy questionnaire, and a game-designed flow questionnaire. The qualitative data were obtained from the researchers' observations, interviews, and students' learning portfolios. Afterward, the data were interpreted and discussed. The results verified the constructed instructional model for learning-game design. It is hoped that this model can contribute to the development of digital-game design courses.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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