


Multiple Intelligences, Self-Efficacy and Learning Intention among College Students


翁淑緣(Shu-Yeng Wong)


多元智能 ; 自我效能 ; 學習意願 ; 大學主修科系 ; multiple intelligences ; self-efficacy ; learning intention ; college major




9卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


1 - 16






The purpose of this study is to investigate if there are strengths and weaknesses in multiple intelligences for the college students with different academic majors, also to explore the relationships between multiple intelligences, self-efficacy, and learning intention. The data are collected from 1278 college students in 15 departments. It is found that students with different majors have their strengths and weaknesses in different intelligence domains. For most of the academic departments, their strength intelligences and the total MI have significant positive correlations with self-efficacy and learning intention. Musical intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, and spatial intelligence are the three intelligences showing the largest difference among students with different majors. They are the most differentiated intelligence domains in our educational process. The structural equation model of multiple intelligences, self-efficacy, and learning intention indicates that multiple intelligences can directly and significantly affect learning intention and can indirectly affect learning intention through the impact of self-efficacy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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