The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship of the firefighters gender and job performance, job preferences and job performance are positively related to high work preferences will be prone to high job performance, but the men and women firefighters working in high labor of Engineering gender will work preferences this is not clear, the same firefighters work whether gender and job performance, is also unclear, this study is the relationship between to explore firefighters gender and job performance, and to work the preference for the direction and purpose of the study as an intermediary. Therefore, this study adopted a hierarchical regression analysis, and to do quiz personnel serving firefighters, this study, a total of 120 questionnaires were sent, 17 questionnaires were unrecovered A total of 103 questionnaires, of which 101 valid questionnaires, and Likert five-point scale to do the analysis and inspection. The major findings firefighters gender preference has a positive correlation with work, job preference and job performance are positively related to job performance and firefighters gender and positively correlated, so you can find the men and women firefighters like fire so affect job performance, because men prefer emphasis on field work job performance better than women, while women prefer working in the back office work performance emphasis on performance will be better than men, and the performance of the job performance more significant.
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