Learning a thoughtful subject of mathematics easily approached to fail. Students learned it with low willingness. Mathematics is a required basic course for preparation as a professional application. In order to have professional pursuits in the future, it is necessary to avoid the frustration of learning. Many students gave up learning from self-deprecating. Those students who had not high achievement were possessing abilities of learning mathematics. They could be administrated the supplemental instruction by appropriate methods and suitable time to stimulate learning potential and finished the fundamental knowledge of mathematics. The samples were from the ninth graders and attempted to take the second Basic Test. Of the PR value between 25% and 65% in their first Basic Test, these students were taught with short term extra instruction. By the results of before and after tests, we found students aimed at good college and were eager to learn. They had positive motivation and tried to get better achievement. Education reformation pursued an appropriate improvement nowadays. We hope students have confidence in math learning and keep plenty of time to cultivate multi-aspects of skills. In the technological era, the reformation of traditional long-term supplemental instruction should be considered.
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