
基於Fuzzy MCDM之附屬品協商交易策略探討


A Study of Bargaining Strategies of Accessory Negotiation Based on Fuzzy MCDM




林朝興(Chow-Sing Chow);郭文真(Wen-Chen Kuo)


附屬品協商 ; 議價 ; 促銷 ; 模糊邏輯推論 ; Fuzzy MCDM ; Fuzzy MCDM ; Promotion ; Price Negotiation ; Accessory Negotiation ; Fuzzy Logic Reasoning




8卷1期(2006 / 03 / 01)


129 - 162




目前針對議價的相關研究,皆是以各自的期望值來進行協議談判,冀望成交價能為買賣雙方帶來滿意的成果,由此可知議價是屬於單一準則的協商。而現今的網路電子市場,商家為求生存,常以低價吸引消費者的駐足,期望打開市場佔有率,但惡性低價促銷雖能帶來獲利,卻易形成惡性營運循環。就消費者而言,除了低價促銷期間可獲得優惠價,其餘期間,價錢由商家主導,消費者的議價空間有限。所以單一準則議價方式對買賣雙方,並非是唯一的最佳交易互動模式。近年來許多研究以固定售價為目標,改以贈送附屬品的方式,進行產品促銷。一般而言,商品是具有多重屬性的。在交易協商過程中,考慮商品多重屬性來提升買賣雙方之滿意度是必須的。而且,一般人對於商品的喜好程度常以模糊的概念來形容,因此隊推導模糊理論為基礎之屬性喜好模型並且整合至交易協商過程中將是一項重要的研究議題。本研究目的冀望在購買商品並協商其附贈附屬品的交易模式中,讓買方因附屬品獲益而增加期望值之滿意度,進而提升了購買成交量,成就商家的利潤。因此本研究以Fuzzy MCDM求得推薦順序加上Fuzzy Logic Reasoning求得堅持度的機制與方法,建立為附屬品的協商機制之策略;並在網路上建置一個具有協商附屬品功能的購物網站。結果發現,運用Fuzzy MCDM與Fuzzy Logic Reasoning的機制對商家的營業收入較有利,也由問卷得知消費者對此機制的滿意度明顯偏高。


Current transaction models on electronic commerce are primary based on price. Buyers and sellers negotiate the price of a product with their expected values, and the whole deal is supposed to be satisfactory on both sides. However, in order to survive in network retailing, sellers often adopt the strategy of low prices to attract more customers. In this way the market share may be rapidly expanded, but it can easily fall into the vicious circle of operations. During the non-promotion period, the price of a product is pre-dominated by sellers so that customers only have limited space to negotiate prices. Therefore, electronic commerce based on only one criteria of price negotiation may not be considered as the best transaction model. In general, a product usually possesses multiple attributes. During transaction negotiation, it is necessary to consider the features of those attributes in order to optimize the satisfaction on both sides. Moreover, people often ambiguously express the preference of a product based on those features. Deriving a fuzzy model to formulize the preference of features, and integrates this model into transaction negotiation process becomes a critical issue. The purpose of this research is to raise buyers' satisfaction of expected values by gaining profits from accessories, and consequently to increase the volume of trade on the transaction model of purchasing merchandise with accessory negotiation under multiple criteria. In this paper, we applied Fuzzy MCDM to study various strategies of accessory negotiation. This strategy calculates fuzzy evaluation and negotiation insistency of each accessory for selection and negotiation. A shopping website with the function of accessory negotiation was built on the Internet to evaluate the feasibility of the strategies of accessory negotiation. The evaluation result shows that the proposed accessory strategy based on Fuzzy MCDM not only favors the revenue of sellers, but also significantly raise the satisfaction of buyers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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