


The Effects of Technology Characteristics, Task Characteristics and Computer Self-efficacy on Behavioral Intention of Electronic Learning




邱郁文(Yuh-Wen Chiu);林益民(Yi-Min Lin);施東河(Dong-Her Shih)


線上學習 ; 自我效能 ; 任務科技配適模式 ; 科技接受模式 ; 結構化方程式模型 ; E-learning ; self-efficacy ; Task-Technology fit model TTF ; Technology Acceptance Model TAM ; Structured Equation Model SEM




9卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


235 - 266




線上學習提供了一個跨越時間區隔與空間距離、沒有人數限制的學習途徑。雖然線上學習的學習方式不論在時間上、空間上均有很大的彈性,但學習者需更有自律精神及明瞭自己學習的目的、需求、學習動機與自我效能,方能引發學習者的使用意願,進而增加學習的效果。 本研究綜合「自我效能」、「科技接受模式」與「任務科技配適模式」的觀點,提出「個人線上學習行為傾向」因果模式,經結構化方程式模型之建構與實證。就線上學習系統採用而言,研究結果發現:(1)任務(教材內容)、科技(彈性、互動性、系統規範)、個人特質(線上學習自我效能、意見領袖與相容性)三者配合愈高,愈會正向影響個人使用線上學習的有用與易用的信念。(2)任務、科技、個人特質三者相互的配合,方能影響個人的知覺有用,再轉而正向影響其使用意願。(3)使用態度對使用傾向的影響最顯著,其次為配適度、知覺有用與知覺易用。


People can learn anytime and anywhere by Electronic learning (e-learning), but the context of Electronic learning and the role of learner differ from the traditional classroom. Electronic learning make learning more flexible and interactive, and more self-regulation, self-efficacy, goal setting seem more necessary. This paper integrates self-efficacy, technology acceptance model and task-technology fit model to explore the behavior and intention of e-learning user. A framework of e-learning behavioral intention model was proposed and verified by Structure Equation Model (SEM). The data showed that (1) the fit of Task (content quality), technology (flexibility, interactivity and system norm) and personal characteristic (e-learning self-efficacy, opinion leadership and compatibility) has positive effect on the belief of ease and usefulness. (2) The relationship between perceived usefulness and the intention was indirect by the influence of fitting. (3) Attitudes toward E-learning has most significant influence on the behavioral intention to use E-learning, then the fitting, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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