Due to transactions, documents and data were transformed into electronic types. The huge mass of data has been accumulated. Today, the science and technology make a great progress. Therefore, data mining technology becomes more important than before in recent years. ft is generally applied to forecast in commerce and supports the decisions. In data mining territory, mining association rules plays a quite important position. Many of data mining algorithms were proposed continuously to improve performance of the old algorithms. They try to improve efficiency of the algorithms or to save the memory. In this paper, our study focuses on association rules and proposes a new algorithm-GSA (Gradational Scanning Algorithm) which improve performance and memory utility rate of mining association rules. GSA basically uses a method which is similar to scan reduction method of SWF algorithm. Besides, it also uses the concept of gradational scanning and the filtration mechanisms to reduce the number of candidates. The GSA needs to scan the Database four times at least and at most six times to finish the mining process.
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