


Effects of New Telecom Product Services Perceived Quality, Waiting Experience, Corporation Image and Perceived Value on Customer's Behavioral Intentions




王明坤(Ming-Kuen Wang);黃國平(Kevin P. Hwang)


電信新產品服務知覺品質 ; 服務等候 ; 知覺價值 ; New Product Services Perceived Quality ; Waiting Experience ; Perceived Value




9卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


887 - 924






This study is to explore the relationships among customer's perceived in the new telecom product services perceived quality, waiting experience, corporation image and perceived value in telecom industry Taiwan. Preoccupation quality of performance with the 'benefit aspect' in the process of market exchange and negligence of the sacrifice price aspect has been a major flow in pervious studies on the antecedent affects of customers satisfaction. There is also an unfortunate lack of research integrating the antecedent and consequences effects of customers behavioral intentions to account for the relationship of the two new product constructs-perceived quality, waiting experience, corporation image, and customber's perceiveeedvalue. The findings and suggestions of this study are as follows: Our proposed model integration new product service quality perceptions, perceived value, waiting experience etc. Total of 1.277 samples examined in the study. What is demonstrated is that the affect of customer's behavioral intentions on perceived quality, waiting experience, perceived value is the most robut. With the fast telecom industy environment changes have resulted in the changes and transformation, Corporate image no affects on the customers behavioral intentions. This study analysis showed that, if the telecom corporation operators were willing to promoto their services quality perception. They should improve customers satisfaction in ”control over delay” and ”service compensation” dimension in waiting experience; Our findings: From the telecom customers samples indicate that they place more stress on the aspect of ”giving” or ”benefits” in the real transactions, traditional corporation image no longer affects of they choice behavioral

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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