


The Proposed On-line Auction Model of Relationship Marketing: Using Structural Equation Modeling




丁誌魰(Chih-Wen Ting);黃俊瑋(Jyun-Wei Huang)


關係連結 ; 關係品質 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 線上拍賣購物網站 ; 結構方程模式 ; Relationship Bonds ; Relationship quality ; Customer loyalty ; On-line auction shopping website ; Structural equation modeling




9卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


945 - 970




關係行銷的目的在發展與維持長期顧客關係,早先的關係行銷實證研究焦點大多集中在實體通路組識與組識之間,對於線上拍賣購物虛擬店鋪與消費者的關係則逐漸受到重視。關係品質三要素:顧客滿意、信任與承諾,已被視為關係行銷的主要驅動因子,其對忠誠度的影響性則為本研究的核心議題 。本研究以Berry and Parasuraman (1991)的關係連結方式結合關係品質三要素的觀點,以線上拍賣購物虛擬通路市場為研究對象,採用自陳式問卷方式在台灣雅虎奇摩拍賣共取得357份有效問卷作為分析樣本,以結構方程模式(SEM)驗證研究之假設關係。研究發現:(1)建構之關係行銷整合性模式適用於線上拍賣。(2)本研究構面對於顧客忠誠度有很大的解釋力(R^2=0.67),且關係品質是影響顧客忠誠的中介變數。研究結果可以提供賣場經營者在顧客關係管理上訂定策略的依據,以及後續研究方向的建議。


Relationship marketing aims to develop and maintain enduring relationship with customers. However, most past studies in relationship marketing have focused on physical environment of business-to-business, paid attention to virtual environment of on-line auction shopping website gradually. This study intends to realize the effects of three recognized key components in relationship quality-customer satisfaction, trust and commitment on customer loyalty. This study uses the concept of Berry and Parasuraman (1991) relationship bonds combined with the three key components in relationship quality perspective. A total of 357 effective samples were collected in Taiwan Yahoo! kimo on-line auction shopping website and uses a questionnaire of information self-report. Structural Equation Modeling was applied to test the model and hypotheses. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) The proposed model of relationship marketing fits on-line auction shopping website. (2) The three key components of relationship quality hay e a great explanatory power on customer loyalty (over R^2 = 0.67) and relationship quality is the mediator that affects customer loyalty. It can provide seller a method in helping CRM and forming marketing strategy on customer loyalty. Also, the conceptual framework of this study may provide some insights to the further research in this field.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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