


Extending the TAM for the Voice Message Board Interactive Function of Website




張錦特(Ching-Ter Chang);蘇姵芹(Pei-Chin Su);何蕙萍(Hui-Ping Ho);蘇百勝(Pai-Sgeng Su)


網站互動功能 ; 語音留言板 ; 科技接受摸式 ; 知覺趣味性 ; Interactive function ; Voice message board ; Technology Acceptance Model ; Perceived playfulness




11卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


469 - 487




網際網路的發達和網站技術的進步,使得網站的互動性功能愈趨重要,其中留言板為網站最重要的互動性工具之一。本研究基於促進網站的互動性,針對網站互動性功能中的留言板和電子郵件附加上語音功能提出一個可實施的架構,希望透過語音的功能讓線上互動留言板和電子郵件更為方便和人性化。 本研究建構了語音留言板的架構,並使用科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為基礎架構來探討使用語音留言板的意願且增加「知覺趣味性」的新變數來反映使用者對於使用語音留言板的內在信念。本研究採問卷調查法,共回收92份有效樣本進行分析。研究分析結果發現「知覺實用性」、「知覺易用性」、「使用態度」及「知覺趣味性」對於語音留言板的使用意願有顯著影響。「知覺易用性」會正向影響「知覺實用性」和「知覺趣味性」。最後,本研究討論研究限制、研究成果對於實務界及學術界的管理意涵,並提出後續研究方向的建議。


The rapid growth of the Internet and Website technology made the interactive functions of Website more variable and important. Since the message board is one of the important tools for the interactive functions, this study focuses on developing the framework of the voice message board on the Internet. In order to improve the interaction and multimedia functions of Website, we constructed a prototype of voice message board that combined voice function and message board into one system. Based on the prototype system, this study adopts the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) to survey the user's acceptance of the voice message board. In addition, this study extends the ”Perceived Playfulness” as an intrinsic motivation factor in the acceptance of voice message board. With a sample of 92 respondents, the survey results strongly support the extended TAM in predicting the user's intention to adopt voice message board system. The result demonstrates the significant effect of perceived playfulness, attitude toward using, and perceived usefulness on behavioral intention through perceived ease of use. From a theoretical point of view, the study extends the TAM for the voice message board adoption by potential users in Internet. Moreover, this study also provides practical implications for Website builders.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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