


Exploring the Personal and Situational Antecedents of the Internet Unplanned Purchase Behavior




沈永正(Yung-Cheng Shen);朱家賢(Chia-Hsien Chu);姜哲祺(Cheh-Chih Chiang);黃河明(Ho-Ming Huang)


非計劃性購買 ; 購物樂趣 ; 瀏覽活動 ; 個人因素 ; 情境因素 ; Unplanned purchase ; Shopping enjoyment ; Browsing activity ; Personal antecedent ; Situational antecedent




12卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


457 - 482




本研究探討影響網路非計畫性購買的前置因子。研究目的主要有二,一為建構出網路購物之非計畫性購買衡量題項,二則是探討情境因素以及個人特質對於網路購物之非計畫性購買的影響。 研究結果經過結構方程式的分析顯示購物樂趣、瀏覽活動會直接影響網路非計畫性購買,而產品美感、價格促銷、經驗性蒐尋傾向則是會透過購物樂趣、瀏覽活動間接影響網路非計畫性購買的發生。在本文的結尾討論中,則探討了這些結果對於學術研究以及網路經營實務的意涵。


The major purposes of the present research are to develop a scale to measure unplanned purchase behavior on the Internet, and investigate the antecedents of the Internet unplanned purchase behavior. An empirical study modeled with SEM showed that shopping enjoyment and browsing activities would influence unplanned purchase behavior, while product aesthetics, price promotions, and experienced search would indirectly influence unplanned purchase behavior via shopping enjoyment and browsing activities. The academic and managerial implications of the research were discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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