


The effects of the Perceived Services Quality of New Telecom Products, Waiting Experience, Corporate Image and Perceived Value on Customer's Behavioral Intentions: A Comparison of Three Telecommunications Companies Customer's Intentions Competitive Model in Post-Privatization




王明坤(Ming-Kuen Wang);黃國平(Kevin P. Hwang)


知覺服務品質 ; 服務等候 ; 知覺價值 ; 服務競爭行為 ; 企業形象 ; 結構方程模式 ; Perceived Quality of New Product Services ; Waiting Experience ; Perceived Value ; Services competitive behavior ; Corporate Image ; SEM




13卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


303 - 338




多數經營管理者、決策制定者與經濟學者皆確信私營企業比公營企業較具有生產效率,他們咸認為新產品的多樣化,消費者能夠有更多挑選與服務的機會。本研究目的在調查台灣電信解除管制後三大電信公司的服務競爭模型,總共有1,216份問卷調查樣本來參與研究,樣本經過誇文化的信度及效度測試,使用結構方程模式(SEM)來檢驗各項假設。研究發現:台灣電信產業經過民營化過程、產業環境變遷後產生不同的消費者價值觀。整體消費者對台灣三家大電信公司推出新產品服務之知覺品質與知覺價值不顯著,知覺價值顯著影響電信公司服務競爭行為意向,知覺價值在服務競爭行為意向中具有中介效果。研究新發現:解除管制後的電信產業,傳統的「企業形象」已不再積極影響消費者之選擇,消費者重視實質電信費率「利益」、「得」的「直接效果」。AT&T子公司的遠電信的消費者重視「服務等候」,顯著影響消費者行為意向。先驅者中華電信的消費者重視新產品「Total Solution服務知覺品質」,顯著影響消費者行為意向。潛在新進入者台灣大哥大電信卻擁有比較多的校園學生族群消費者。本研究資訊可提供各電信業決策制定者推出新產品行銷策略參考及各消費者購前時點參考。


It is believed by many managers, economists, and policy makers that service production of a private enterprise is more efficient than that of a public one. They think consumers prefer making choice among multiple commodities. This paper investigates the service competitive behaviors after the deregulation of the telecommunication industry in Taiwan. A total of 1,216 samples were collected and examined for the three prevailing telecommunication companies in Taiwan. Following cross-cultural reliability and validity tests, SEM was used to test the hypotheses. Research findings reveal that changes through deregulation have resulted in adjustments and transformations of customers' value. Overall, customers no longer have significant difference in new service perception in quality and value. Perceived value affects significantly the competitive behavior. Perceived value also has mediating effect on competitive behavior. It is also found that tradition corporate image does not affect the choice behavior of consumers. Consumers emphasize on the direct effect of gain or benefit of service or product. For the subordinate company of AT& T in Taiwan, service waiting significantly affects consumers' behavior intention. The innovative 'Total solution' service of the government own company before deregulation has significant effect on consumers' choice intention. This study contributes to the marketing strategy and time point of promotion when a new product is introduced.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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