


An ASP Provision Strategy Integrating Service Quality with Software Quality: The SMEs Perspective




洪嘉良(Chia-Liang Hung);周志隆(Jerome Chih-Lung Chou);朱慧娟(Hui-Chuan Chu)


應用服務供應商 ; 服務階層協定 ; 服務品質 ; 軟體品質 ; 能力成熟度整合模型 ; Application Service Provider ; Service Level Agreement ; Service Quality ; Software Quality ; Capability Maturity Model Integrated




13卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


555 - 585




在e化的時代,企業網路化已成為必然的趨勢,因此造就ASP(Application Service Provider)供應商可觀的商機。ASP廠商如雨後春筍般地出現,競爭亦日趨激烈,因此創造差異化且迅速地滿足客戶之需求,ASP服務策略成為重要課題。雖然軟體品質(Software Quality)一向作為軟體專案的重要指標,然而服務導向的ASP,其客戶更重視服務品質(Quality of Service)的感受。因此本研究企圖找出兩者的關聯性,以協助ASP供應商以有限資源而發揮事半功倍之效果,在服務階層協定(Service Level Agreement,簡稱SLA)的不同生命週期,鎖住特定的軟體品質目標,而滿足不同階段的ASP客戶所重視的服務品質。本研究經由典型相關分析發現:當ASP廠商面對製造業時,在研發期與銷售訂約期階段,首重「信任型」的服務品質與軟體品質之組合;在安裝、設定期應重視「適應型」之組合;在使用期則致力「實用型」的組合;售後檢討期則重視「敏捷型」的組合。相對地,面對於服務業的客戶,在研發期、銷售訂約期、及使用期應強調「專業型」的組合;在安裝、設定期與售後檢討期則以「調整型」的組合為主。根據此結果,本文提出ASP服務策略,發展CMMI軟體專案管理之策略行動,以實現軟體品質之要項,再藉由典型相關分析的服務S與軟體品質之相關性,而滿足ASP客戶在SLA不同的階段所重視的服務品質,以利於ASP供應商贏得市場的競爭優勢。


The purpose of this paper is to articulate efficient service approaches for enhancing the ASP user satisfaction. In this paper, the authors describe the problems confronted by the recently prosperous Internet-based ASP vendors and propose an integrated solution combined two streams of quality management. One is the software quality derived from the subject of software engineering, while the other is the widely-used SERVQUAL service quality framework. The authors study the ASP provision process along the life cycle of Service Level Agreement (SLA) from the user perspective and discover the significant correlated configurations between software quality and service quality by means of the canonical analysis. According to the correlated configurations, this research suggests that the ASP vendors have better to treat the manufacturing users and the service industry users with different service strategies. When the ASP vendors face to the manufacturing users, they have better to focus on the ”Trust” onfiguration type in the first two SLA stages, that is, R&D and contracting; the ”Adaptation” type is suited for the installation stage; the ”Pragmatic” one is for the operation stage; the ”Agile” one is for the last after-sales stage. Contrarily, when the ASP vendors face to the service industry users, they have better to emphasize on the ”Professional” configuration type in the SLA stages of R&D, contracting, and operation, while the ”Adjustment” type is suited for the installation and after-sales stages. Furthermore, the paper also deliberates the fulfilling approaches for the ASP vendors in terms of CMMI software guidelines, so as to enhance the critical software quality along the SLA stages. Thus, the corresponding service quality that is importantly concerned by the ASP users at each SLA stage will be achieved by the especially emphasized software quality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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