


The Study of the Development Architecture of Information Technology Impact the Performance for the Virtual Organization




陳佑全(Yu-Chuan Chen);唐順明(Shung-Ming Tang);陳美菁(Mei-Ching Chen);黃國賢(Kuo-Hsien Huang)


資訊科技 ; 協調機制 ; 成本機制 ; 虛擬組織績效 ; 夥伴選擇 ; Information Technology ; Coordinate Mechanism ; Cost Mechanisms ; Performance of Virtual Organizations ; Partner Selection




14卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


353 - 382






The aim of this paper is to examine the information technology how to impact the organizational performance for virtual organization. We used the random sampling method to select the co-operation of 3531 individual suppliers for nearly 250 business groups as the research objectives. We also used the questionnaire mail survey on this research. Then, we verified the research model and hypotheses using structural equation modeling. The present results revealed that Information technology had significant effect on coordinate mechanisms. Coordinate mechanisms had significant effect on both cost mechanisms and performance. The cost mechanisms also had significant influences on the performance. Secondly, we examined the mediating effects of coordinate mechanisms between information technology and performance was obtained support. There was also significant mediating effect of cost mechanisms between information technology and performance. Partner selection had a moderating effect on the coordinate mechanisms and cost mechanisms, while the high level partner selection, the positive moderating effect between coordinate mechanisms and cost mechanisms will be stronger. Therefore, the virtual organizations will reduce the cost of operation to affect the performance by way of partner selection and information technology which promote communication and coordination.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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