


Moderating Influence of Product Modularity on Relationships between Supply Chain Relationship Quality, Knowledge Sharing and NPD Performance




陳至柔(Chih-Jou Chen);吳如娟(Ju-Chuan Wu)


供應鏈關係品質 ; 外顯知識分享 ; 內隱知識分享 ; 新產品開發績效 ; 產品模組化 ; Supply chain relationship quality ; explicit knowledge sharing ; tacit knowledge sharing ; new product development performance ; product modularity




16卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


339 - 386




廠商透過有效的連接機制與上下游重要供應鏈夥伴密切合作,藉此強化夥伴間的關係,來提昇夥伴間知識分享與產品創新,進而提昇新產品開發績效。然而,較少有研究探討產品模組化對供應鏈關係品質的調節效果;鑑此,本研究深入探討在高度動態與全球競爭的環境中,供應鏈關係品質對夥伴間知識分享,及知識分享對新產品開發績效的提昇是否有顯著的影響效果,並探討是否受到產品模組化調節效果的影響。本研究所提出之研究架構及假說利用結構方程模式及SmartPLS 2.0軟體進行驗證與檢定,並以台灣製造業的實證資料來驗證上述理論架構的配適度。結果顯示多數假說均受到支持,並根據研究結果,提出管理意涵及實務建議業者參考。


Manufacturers have been encouraged to connect key suppliers and customers, to establish strong supply chains and then to enhance new product development performance of their supply chain systems. However, few studies have focused on the moderating effect of product modularity on supply chain relationship quality. Thus, this study is to investigate the influence of supply chain relationship quality on knowledge sharing, and whether more leads to superior new product development performance of firms in a highly dynamic and competitive environment. Besides, this study is to investigate the influence of the product modularity moderates these relationships. Literature of supply chain relationship quality, knowledge sharing, product modularity and new product development performance were fully reviewed. The model and hypothesized relationship are empirically tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach, supported by SmartPLS 2.0. Furthermore, we have collected empirical data of manufacturersin Taiwanto verifythe model fit of this research. On the whole, most of hypotheses are supported. Implications and practical suggests are also provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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