


Formulizing the Mental Model for Customer's Expectation of Consuming Experience: a Prospective of Environmental Psychology




林淑瓊(Shu-Chiung Lin);陳煇煌(Huei-Huang Chen);林衛國(Wei-Kuo Lin);李品萱(Pin-Hsuan Lee)


虛實整合 ; 環境心理學 ; S-S'O'R'-R ; 心理模式 ; 顧客消費體驗預期 ; Virtual/physical integration ; environmental psychology ; S-S'O'R'-R, mental model ; customer's expectation of consuming experience




20卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


33 - 63






Is there any difference in customer's mind between online and offline purchase, or not? It is critical for the virtual/physical integration planning accordingly. From the perspective of environmental psychology, it seems that the "S-O-R" (stimulus - organism - response) model is suitable for exploring such issue. After reviewed related research, the middle "O" was usually measured by meta-cognition and reflective affection variables, still keep the mental model masked. This study firstly extends "S-O-R" to "S-S'O'R'-R" in which "S'O'R'" as a mental model. Then, for the purpose of interpreting consumer behavior, expands the mental model (S'O'R) into a conceptual framework of customer's expectation of consuming experience. In addition, this study illustrates an empirical pilot research investigated in dress purchasing. A total of the 828 valid responses are collected from web and paper questionnaire for analysis by partial least squares (PLS) & SPSS. The result manifests that customers formulize their expectations of consuming experience are significantly different between physical and virtual environments. The result of this study can assist both online and offline store industry to manage their marketing strategy and also be useful for future academic research.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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