


The Influence of Mobile Service, Product Type, and Advertising Attitudes on the Effectiveness of Personalised Wireless Marketing


張心馨(Hsin-Hsin Chang);張淑昭(Su-Chao Chang);王耀斌(Yaw-Bin Wang)


無線行銷 ; 行動簡訊傳送服務 ; 個人化服務 ; 消費者態度 ; 廣告效果 ; Wireless Marketing ; Short Message Service ; Personalization Service ; Customer Attitude ; Advertising Effects




1卷2期(2005 / 10 / 01)


107 - 142






This research examines the application of Mobile Value-added Services (MVS) for targeted "one-to-one" marketing, which selects Short Message Service (SMS) product advertisements for delivery to customer's mobile phone, on the basis of "personalization factors" identifying the customer's market segment. The study examines the effectiveness of personalised mobile advertisement in general and for different product Yaw Bin Wang types, market segmentation by customer life-styIe, and the modifying effect of customer attitude on advertisement effectiveness. It was found that, irrespective of customer's prior product knowledge, personalised mobile marketing improved customer perception of the product, and was more effective in promoting brand recognition than other forms of advertising. Life-style variables indicated a segmentationof the Mobile Valueadded Service market into "Fashion-Style", "Independent", and "Social" customer groups, which differed significantly in the time-criticality of their information requirements and their entertainment and leisure interests. The purchasing intent of the "Fashion" group was much higher than that of the "Independent" group. Mobile advertising had a significant effect on brand recognition and purchasing intent.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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