Most marketing literature refer to word of mouth (WOM) which focus on that is exposed to the aspect interpersonally now; If apply its aspect to the behavior, the minority for it of linking up among the internet networks. And the topic that literature touch upon also concentrates on the influence of the consumer Behavior correctly, and spread course of message, very few message characteristic and message receiver who accepts message probe into and persuade the result difference since. Science and technology developed granting in recent years, the way of making another information of consumers search-network message board, and special way this transmit information difference of way in the past, might the attitude to consumer produced on different influence. So this research wants to understand consumers in the face of a certain product of the network will get positive and negative appraisal promptly, how understand, deal with information this, melt but form to attitude of product this inside it, and make the consumption decision. The experiment of this research, divide into two parts: First change one in order to probe into two independent variable: message quantity (the large/little)and information directionality (positive message first! negative message first) influence result. The result of study shows: As regards quantity of leaving message, its number of quantity and persuasion result according to WOM have not been closed and connected with directly; And the whole attitude of the message receiver who will influence information to accept of information directionality, namely shoulder the immediate cause result to information, its attitudes formed are superior to shouldering the recency effect of negative message to primacy effect of once. On the other hand, this research changes a influence analysis to the thing that message persuades the result with the intervening variable of the gender, the result of study shows: The number of quantity of message, have difference of showing to women receiver who accepts information, and as the same to the male person who accepts message. And view of irregularity of message, the primacy effect of negative message (negative message first) as for man, do not have dominance with receiver to the recency effect of negative message (positive message first); But the receiver who are accepted of women's message, for superior the recency effect of negative message to the primacy effect of negative message. This result can be as manufacturer's advertisement making or the reference when websites manage.
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