


A Study on the Determinants of Customer Repurchase Intentions in Prepayment Exchanges


黃鵬飛(Perng-Fei Huang);黃螢美(Ing-Mei Huang)


預付型交易 ; 廠商與消費者特性 ; 信任 ; 續購意願 ; 涉入度 ; prepayment exchanges ; firm characteristics ; consumer characteristics ; trust ; repurchase intentions




3卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


197 - 214




預付型交易為賣方銷售的產品或服務必須由買方先預付全部或部份金額,其後才得以在某特定期間內一次取得產品或服務或是逐次享受產品或服務直至預付金額用罄的交易。此類型的交易早已十分普遍,並有擴張的趨勢,但學術界對其研究卻仍在萌芽階段。本研究的目的在從消費者的觀點比較預付型交易和非預付型交易情境下廠商特性與消費者特性對信任的影響,以及信任與續購意願之間的關聯,並進一步探討產品/服務涉入度的干擾效果。研究架構的自變數包含廠商特性(產品/服務品質、企業聲譽、認知風險)及消費者特性(產品/服務知識、風險迴避傾向),中介變數為信任,依變數為續購意願,干擾變數為付款方式及產品/服務涉入度。研究假設包括兩部分:預付交易比起非預付交易,廠商特性與消費者特性對信任以及信任對續購意願的影響力皆較強。高涉入的預付交易比起低涉入的預付交易,廠商特性與消費者特性對信任以及信任對續購意願的影響力皆較強。研究方法部分,經由操弄檢定選出四種情境(預付、非預付、高涉入預付、低涉入預付)的代表產品及服務共8種,以市場攔截法取得319份有效問卷。研究發現分成三個部分:以簡單迴歸分析與Fisher's z值及2檢定研究假設。在假設一的部分,結果顯示在預付型交易中,認知風險對信任的影響力以及信任對續購意願的影響力皆大於在非預付交易的情境;然而付款方式並不會干擾產品/服務品質、企業聲譽、產品/服務知識、及風險迴避傾向與信任之間的關係。在假設二的部分,結果顯示在高涉入的預付交易中,產品/服務品質、認知風險、及產品/服務知識對信任的影響力以及信任對續購意願的影響力皆高於在低涉入的預付交易情境;然而產品/服務涉入度不會干擾企業聲譽及風險迴避傾向與信任之間的關係。使用複迴歸分析檢測所有自變數對信任的相對影響力,結果顯示不論是在預付型或非預付型交易下,企業聲譽及產品/服務知識對信任的影響力都位居前二位。根據Baron and Kenny(1986)檢驗中介效果的程序,發現顧客對廠商的信任在本研究四種情境(預付、非預付、高涉入預付、低涉入預付)中均具有顯著的中介效果。本研究的結果可以提供學術界及實務界關於預付型交易的更深入了解,有助於理論模型的建立,尤其能提供企業擬訂預付型交易方案的洞察力。最後討論行銷管理涵意及研究限制,並提供未來研究方向。


Although prepayment exchanges are pervasive in our daily lives, researchers have not yet paid sufficient attention on them. Based on this research gap, the purpose of this study is to compare the relationships among the determinants of repurchase intentions on prepayment exchanges relative to those of non-prepayment exchanges. This study theorized trust as a mediating variable and product/service involvement as a moderator. This study conducted a manipulation check to validate eight products/ services selected to represent four research scenarios (prepayment; non-prepayment; high-involved prepayment; low-involved prepayment). Then based on a sample of 319 consumers having prepayment exchange experiences, statistical analyses showed that (1) The effect of perceived risk on trust was significantly greater in prepayment exchanges than in non-prepayment exchanges, so was the impact of trust on repurchase intentions. (2)Both in pre-payment and non-prepayment exchanges, firms' reputation and product/service quality were the two factors that most strongly influence consumers' trust in the firms. However, whereas in prepayment exchanges perceived risk was the third influential factor and product/service quality was not significant in their relations to trust, in non-prepayment exchanges these relationships were opposite, that is, product/service quality was the third important one and perceived risk was not significant. (3)Both the effe cts of product/service quality, perceived risk and product/service knowledge on trust and the effect of trust on repurchase intentions were significantly greater in high-involved prepayment exchanges than in low-involved prepayment exchanges. However, involvement did not moderate the relationship between reputation and trust. (4) Individuals' risk aversion trait was not significantly related to trust in both prepayment and non-prepayment exchanges. (5) Trust played an important mediating role in both prepayment and non-prepayment exchanges. These research findings can provide insight for academicians into the study of prepayment exchanges and may help practitioners identify factors (and their relative importance) that influence consumer buying in prepayment situations. Finally, this study discussed marketing implications of the findings and offered suggestions for future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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