


What is the most effective organizational structure for Taiwanese OEM/ODM firms once they begin shifting towards OBM?


陳厚銘(Ho-Min Chen);柯雅菁(Ya-Jing Ke);張幼齡(Yu-Ling Chang)


OEM/ODM代工 ; 自有品牌 ; 關鍵決策因素 ; 層級分析法 ; OEM/ODM Contracting ; OBM ; Key Success Factors ; AHP




6卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


81 - 105




長久以來台灣廠商極少發展其自有品牌,而是替國際知名品牌大廠服務,在全球商品鏈中擔任OEM/ODM代工之角色。但是隨著代工利潤不斷萎縮、以及代工廠商技術的成熟與進步,愈來愈多台灣廠商經由OEM/ODM/OBM的發展軌跡,相繼投入自有品牌的發展,並獲得相當亮眼的成績。然而經由代工發展其自有品牌的經營模式是極具挑戰性的,並非所有的代工廠商皆能夠順利轉型。台灣廠商發展自有品牌過程中,是否需要放棄其原有代工的角色?或者可以同時兼營自有品牌與代工業務?其關鍵決策因素為何?這些都是非常重要且值得進一步研究的主題。本研究透過專家調查以及文獻回顧,蒐集影響代工與自有品牌決策之各項因素,並藉由層級分析方法(Analysis Hierarchy Process;AHP)建立多重目標(包括共用資源能力、市場產業因素、產品特定因素)之決策架構,尋找最佳代工與自有品牌之經營模式與組織結構,進而提出本研究之結果與建議。


Many Taiwanese firms have inserted themselves in global commodity chains through OEM and then ODM contracting. Most of these firms provide OEM or ODM services for international brand vendors. Few of them have "broken through" into Own-Brand Manufacturing. However, with dwindling profit margins from OEM, and their technological maturity and advancement, increasing numbers of Taiwanese firms have progressed along the OEM/ODM/OBM trajectory and chosen to shift to OBM business models. For Taiwanese firms that choose to make the transition to OBM, the path is rife with challenges. Achieving a complementary coexistence with vendors and cultivating and maintaining markets whilst avoiding direct competition with key buyers are difficult tasks. Furthermore, what is the most effective organizational structure for Taiwanese OEM/ODM firms once they begin shifting towards OBM? Should they divest or spin off, entirely or partially, their manufacturing arms? These critical issues present themselves as managerial challenges to the firms of Taiwan. This study uses a comprehensive literature review and surveys undertaken using the Delphi method to understand the factors influencing the decision to develop OBM. Using AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) we find three key success factors of the most effective organizational structure for Taiwanese OEM/ODM firms once they begin shifting towards OBM: resources sharing ability, industrial market factor, and product-specific factor. Discussion of our findings and implications conclude this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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