Compared with individual consumer behavior and decision-making processes, consumers are empowered by new technology so called web2.0 in recent years. Not only has the new consumption model of cooperative group buying (CC2B) been created, but also it has emerged a huge power of consumption communities to influence group member behaviors and the patterns of decision-making. Academia, organizations and government have focused on these issues and relevant agenda. This paper was used "Netnography" to deeply explore what its patterns of decision making on one of the most famous Taiwanese online cooperative group buying websites called "ihergo" (http://www.ihergo.com). The results provide the contributions of profile of online cooperative group buying and its decision making processes including group buying needs, cooperative decisions, roles, order, product pick-up, consumption, conflict, evaluation and feedback. Furthermore, compared with family buying decision process, conflicts often emerge when its members are in different role positions and pick up products. The findings also entirely describe its conflict solutions.
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