


Exploring Members' Repurchase Intention on Colostrum Dietary Supplements: An Application of Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling


張少樑(Shao-Liang Chang);陳益壯(Yih-Chaung Chen);李郁珉(Yu-Min Li);楊士弘(Shih-Hung Yang);馬誠謙(Cheng-Cian Ma)


初乳保健品 ; 回購意願 ; 貝氏結構方程模式 ; Colostrum Health Products ; Repurchase Intention ; Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling




9卷2期(2013 / 10 / 01)


139 - 158




以健康為訴求係重要的食品消費趨勢,其中初乳保健品為重要且具發展潛力的品項,本文研究旨趣係在探討:影響直銷公司會員回購意願的關鍵因素,並以紐西蘭商台灣A公司直銷會員為研究對象,藉由比例分層抽樣進行回購意願調查,共獲取315份有效問卷,利用因素分析萃取出:產品屬性與品牌形象、產品促銷推廣、服務品質與回購意願等四大構念,透過多變量常態性檢定,採用貝氏結構方程模式(Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling)分析法進行影響關係之檢驗,最後以馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅模擬(Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation),對影響參數進行後驗分配之區間估計。研究結果發現:產品屬性與品牌形象、產品促銷推廣以及服務品質,均對會員回購意願存在正向顯著的影響,從而提出幾項具體改善方案,分別為:提高品牌價值與內涵、對產品成份與原料嚴格控管、定期提出產品檢驗報告、經常舉辦會員座談會,或利用網路平台分享會員產品使用心得等策略。


As food consumption has been toward more health-conscious, colostrum is recognized as the prominent one with growing potential among dietary supplements. The purport of this study is to explore the critical factors affecting repurchase intentions of the members of the directmarketing companies selling colostrum dietary supplements. Members of a New Zealand company's subsidiary in Taiwan were taken as research objects, and were surveyed via a questionnaire through stratified sampling scheme. Three constructs which might exert influence on repurchase intentions were abstracted through factor analysis of a total of 315 valid promotion, and service quality. Bayesian structural equation modeling was adopted to test the effects exerted among constructs, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation was employed in the final step to conduct interval estimations of parameters of a posterior distribution. The results showed that product attributes and brand image, marketing promotion, and service quality will all exert influence on repurchase intentions positively and significantly. Suggestions for improve business operations were also made to practitioners, such as to enrich the meanings of the brand for increasing the brand value, to exercise control over ingredients as well as raw material in a more tightly manner, to report product inspection results on a regular basis, to organize forums and meetings for the members, and to facilitate the sharing of experience among members through platform on Internet.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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